Faves I guess

  1. Innogen
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "daughter, maiden"
    • Description:

      Innogen is the Shakespearean name that never was. Most sources will tell you that Shakespeare intended to use Innogen for a character in Cymbeline, but his printer mistook the twos Ns for an M, thus inventing Imogen. This may or may not be true — Imogen seems to have existed before his time, and Shakespeare may have changed the spelling on purpose — but nevertheless, it makes for a great name story.
  2. Io
    • Origin:

      Greek mythology name
    • Description:

      Io may be one of the slightest names in the book, but there aren't many two-letter names with as much substance as this Greek mythological example. Io, a name used for the largest moon of Jupiter, was in classic myth raped by Zeus and escaped from him by changing herself into a cow.
  3. Ioannis
    • Iolanthe
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "violet flower"
      • Description:

        Iolanthe is known primarily through the 1882 Gilbert & Sullivan operetta of that name, in which the title character is a fairy. Iolanthe is a softer version of Yolanda, and is the kind of multi-syllabic classical name once considered too weighty for a modern baby girl, but now within the realm of possibility--this one as a dramatic twist on Violet. The biggest drawback is its variety of legitimate pronunciations in English.
    • Ione
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "violet flower"
      • Description:

        This unusual Greek flower and color name has gained considerable recent attention via actress Ione Skye, who is the daughter of sixties folksinger Donovan.
    • Iseult
      • Islay
        • Origin:

          Scottish place-name
        • Description:

          Islay is the name of a Hebridian island famous for its whisky. Don't be fooled by the "y" at the end - this name is pronounced exactly like the more well-known Isla.
      • Islwyn
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "below the grove"
        • Description:

          Islwyn is the name of a mountain in Wales which has a pleasant fluid sound. Islwyn has recently been made more familiar through Runescape.
      • Isolde
        • Origin:

          Welsh, German
        • Meaning:

          "ice ruler"
        • Description:

          Now that Tristan has been rediscovered, maybe it's time for his fabled lover in the Arthurian romances and Wagnerian opera, a beautiful Irish princess, to be brought back into the light as well.
      • Ithaca
        • Origin:

        • Description:

          The island home of Odysseus, and city site of Cornell University, sounds soft and pleasant enough to make it a candidate for babynamehood.
      • Ivory
        • Origin:

          Word name
        • Meaning:

          "hard, white material from the tusks and teeth of animals; pale, white"
        • Description:

          Ivory was last popular a hundred years ago. In 2013, it finally began to regain some momentum in the female rankings, reentering the Top 1000.
      • Jacaranda
        • Origin:

          Spanish, Portuguese, Tupi-Guarani flower name
        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Distinctive and charming nature name that blends elements of Jacqueline and Amanda.
      • Jacquenette
        • Jeannot
          • Jemima
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              Jemima, the name of a strong and beautiful Biblical daughter of Job, has long been among the chicest choices of aristocratic Brits, most recently ranking at #231 there in 2017. But despite its lovely sound and peaceful meaning, this attractive name hasn't ranked in the US Top 1000 since 1893, no doubt due to the problematic association with racial stereotyping, exemplified by the Aunt Jemima brand of pancakes.
          • Jericho
            • Origin:

              Biblical place-name
            • Description:

              A biblical place name with trumpeting verve and strength.
          • Jessamine
            • Origin:

              English from Persian
            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              Jessamine, a charming name occasionally heard in England, is just beginning to be appreciated in the U.S. as a possible successor to all the Jess names of the past. It's also spelled Jessamyn, as in Quaker novelist Jessamyn West, author of Friendly Persuasion--who started life with Jessamyn as her middle name.
          • Jezebel
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

              "not exalted"
            • Description:

              Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab in the Hebrew Book of Kings, has long had a bad girl reputation. But in the modern secular world, this is somewhat mitigated by the feminist perspective of her as a strong woman, the power behind the throne. Previously avoided as a baby name, Jezebel is now, along with the also previously avoided Delilah and Desiree, coming into use, helped by its relation to other 'bel' name such as Isabel and Bella.
          • Jolyon
            • Origin:

              Medieval form of Julian
            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              Galsworthy used this for "The Forsyte Saga," but in modern real life Julian would work better.
          • Joplin
            • Origin:

              English surname
            • Meaning:

              "son of Job"
            • Description:

              Used as a first name for a handful of girls every year, Joplin could be seen as a distant cousin of other -lin names, like Caitlin, Brooklyn and Braelynn. We think it works even better as a musical middle name possibility for fans of Janis... or Scott. Both great connections — albeit very different from one another.