It's In The Name
- Justice
English word nameMeaning:
"the quality of being just, impartial, or fair"Description:
Justice, one of the rare virtue names for boys, entered the popularity ranks in 1992, and has remained on the list ever since. Parents' search for names implying virtue has led to a mini-revival of this long-neglected name in both its German homonymic form, Justus, and as the word itself. Steven Seagal was ahead of the curve when he used it back in 1976.
- Kaiser
Kaiser, as in roll and Wilhelm, appeared for the first time on the US Top 1000 in 2017. It fits the two-syllable -er ending style that's all the rage, and it lends itself to the short form Kai. But we hope this Germanic version of what is essentially a title rather than a name doesn't keep rising on the charts.
- Knight
English word nameMeaning:
" a mounted man-at-arms serving a feudal superior"Description:
Knight (as opposed to Night) is a name clad in shiny armor. This high-ranking word name was introduced by singers Kelis and Nas. Knight might join brothers King, Royal, and Noble in a new definition of royal baby names.
- Koal
- Lake
Nature nameDescription:
Evocative modern unisex choice brought into the spotlight by actress Lake Bell.
- Law
- Light
Word nameDescription:
A shimmering day name, with a bit of hippie residue.
- Lion
- Majesty
Word nameDescription:
Alternative to Prince, Duke, King, or Earl, but not an improvement on them.
- Major
"greater; or, a military rank"Description:
This bold choice soared in popularity from 2008 to 2013, and now seems to have plateaued. But watch out—the character Major Major Major Major in the classic absurdist novel Catch-22 had a terrible time.
- Manly
- Mars
Roman mythologyMeaning:
"god of war; male; red planet"Description:
Mars is a name with interesting potential, ticking the boxes as a mythological name, a space name, and a single syllable choice ending in -s. For parents wanting something unexpected, Mars could work as an alternative to popular Brooks, Max, Atlas, or Miles - and given to around 150 boys - and 35 girls - in a recent year, it is unusual but recognisable.
- Mason
English occupational nameMeaning:
"worker in stone"Description:
Mason is an occupational surname that ranked among the Top 10 name for boys throughout the 2010s, after its choice as one of the first Kardashian baby names.
- Maverick
"independent, nonconformist"Description:
It's ironic that the name Maverick is not such a maverick anymore. Heard first in a 1950s James Garner western TV series, and then as the Tom Cruise character in Top Gun, Maverick symbolizes an unfettered, free spirit.
- Mercury
"Roman messenger god"Description:
Adventurous parents are starting to look back to names of ancient gods like Mercury, Zeus, and Apollo. This one is also a planet and a metallic element, and has a friendly nickname, Merc. The Roman god Mercury, which derives from the Latin words for trade or wages, is the patron of tradesmen and travelers and the fastest-moving planet in the solar system. Mercury is the planet associated with the sign of Virgo, so this is one of the prime names for Virgo babies.
- Navy
English, word nameMeaning:
"fleet of ships; sea-based branch of the armed forces; dark blue"Description:
This once unique and multi-layered word name was used by R&B singer Nivea for her daughter back in 2005, and later, by country musician Jason Aldean. No longer an exclusively celebrity choice Navy is now in the US Top 500 for girls and is on the rise in the UK too. As a boys name, however, it remains an unexpected possibility.
- Noble
With parents beginning to show an interest in virtue names for boys, this Puritan favorite just might be revived, for what could be more admirable than nobility in terms of having strength of character, dignity, and high moral ideals?
- Oak
English tree nameMeaning:
"tree from the genus Quercus"Description:
Oak, a symbol of solidity, strength, and longevity, is joining Cedar and Pine as a viable name, one that would work especially well in the middle.
- Ocean
English, nature nameMeaning:
Nature names like Ocean and River are flowing back into favor, especially with nature lovers and green-oriented parents.