random names i found on nameberry

  1. Prunaprismia
    • Rathina
      • Rhodanthe
        • Swanhilda
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "swan battle"
          • Description:

            Form of Swanhild, borne by the heroine of the ballet Coppélia. The -a ending certainly gives this ancient name a lighter, more balletic feel.
        • Ungoliant
          • Vasilisa
            • Origin:

              Feminization of Vasili, Russian from Greek
            • Meaning:

              "royal, kingly"
            • Description:

              Vasilisa is the feminine form of Vasili, the Russian translation of Basil.
          • Wendy
            • Origin:

              English, Celtic, Welsh
            • Meaning:

              "friend or white"
            • Description:

              It is popularly claimed that the name Wendy was invented by Sir James Barrie in 1904 for the big sister character in his play Peter Pan, which was followed by the classic novel in 1911. Barrie supposedly took it from the nickname "fwendy-wendy", that he was called by a young girl acquaintance.