Literary Sounding Boy's Names

  1. Rudy
    • Origin:

      German, diminutive of Rudolph
    • Meaning:

      "famous wolf"
    • Description:

      Rudy has a bit of style currency, thanks to the fact that Jude Law used it for his son. It has been consistently in the Top 1000 for as long as Social Security records have been tallied, as opposed to parent name Rudolph, which, perhaps due to the reindeer, hasn't been heard from in some time.
  2. Seneca
    • Origin:

      Latin surname and Native American
    • Meaning:

      "people of the standing rock"
    • Description:

      Seneca's distinguished heritage as the name of the ancient Roman philosopher-playwright who tutored Nero, and of an Iroquois tribe makes this an interesting choice for either sex.
  3. Sergius
    • Origin:

      Latin, a Roman clan name
    • Description:

      Rarely heard in modern times, it was used by Norman Mailer for the hero of his book The Deer Park.