About Baby Name DNA

Baby Name DNA is a revolutionary system for analyzing your baby name style and matching you with names that carry the same DNA.

Developed by the creators of Nameberry, Baby Name DNA combines our world-class name expertise with a powerful algorithm that matches namers with the perfect names.

A name's DNA has four bases, similar to those that make up human DNA. These include the name's origins and usage patterns along with subjective qualities like style and feel.

The Baby Name DNA quiz includes over 100 questions designed to measure your unique name footprint. In the first half of the quiz, you choose between two names or two answers to a personal question. Your answers in Part 1 determine the series of names we show you in Part 2, which you're asked to like or dislike.

Your results are your precise combination of name types, which we then match to names that carry the same individual blend. The eight main types of Baby Name DNA are:

  • Leader – Widely-accepted and well-liked names that retain a measure of formality. William and Elizabeth are two prime examples.
  • Charmer – Appealing popular names that are warm and friendly, such as Jack and Ellie.
  • Star – Celebrity-worthy names that command widespread attention, such as Bellamy and Winter.
  • Influencer – Contemporary names that go from unique to popular very quickly, such as Luna and Sawyer.
  • Romantic – Historically-rooted names with romantic appeal, such as Florian and Romilly.
  • Noble – Rare names with deep roots and cultured associations, such as Persephone and Ozias.
  • Bohemian – Uncommon, quirky names from nature and other non-traditional sources, such as Pixie and Jupiter.
  • Maverick – Out-of-the-box names, the more unusual the better, such as Courage and Nile.

Take the quiz and discover your Baby Name DNA profile and hundreds of names selected just for you.