Alternatives to Silas

  1. Ulysses
    • Origin:

      Latin variation of the Greek Odysseus
    • Description:

      Ulysses is one of the few U boys' names anyone knows -- with heavy links to the Homeric hero, eighteenth president Grant, and the James Joyce novel -- all of which makes it both distinguished and kind of weighty for a modern boy. Ulysses was on the US popularity list well into the twenty-first century; it's off now, but Number 684 on Nameberry.
  2. Vallis
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "from Wales"
    • Description:

      Intriguing way to signal Welsh ancestry; more unusual than Wallace.
  3. Wallis
    • Willas
      • Zelus
        • Origin:

          Greek mythology name
        • Description:

          Zelus or Zelos was the god of rivalry and competition, one of the four winged Daemones who were gods for Zeus. This rare name is one mythological choice that may not come back in the modern world.