Sister names to go with Grayson

Female sibling names to go with our first born's name - Grayson. Would love any suggestions as well as honest thoughts about names on the list to avoid name regret. :)
  1. Eloise
    • Hadley
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "heathery field"
      • Description:

        Hemingway readers will recognize this as the name of Papa's first wife (and, eventually, actress Mariel's grandmother). But in Victorian times, Hadley and Hedley were actually more popular for boys.
    • Meredith
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "great chief"
      • Description:

        Meredith has been considered primarily a girl's name since the fifties, before which it was more commonly used for boys. Comic actor Jay Mohr recently named his son Meredith, which might help it swing back into the blue column. The traditional Welsh pronunciation puts the stress on the middle syllable, making Red a cool nickname possibility.