Simple, Sleek, Cool Names

  1. Cruz
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      For a single-syllable Latino surname, this new popular kid on the block packs a lot of energy and charm and is one of the most stylish Spanish names for boys in general use today. Victoria and David Beckham named their third son Cruz, following Brooklyn and Romeo, and it was also picked up on by tennis star Lleyton Hewitt for his son. Other parents may prize its Christian associations.
  2. Liv
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The fame of actress and Aerosmith daughter Liv Tyler helped to infuse life into this short but solid Scandinavian name that was chosen for her daughter by Julianne Moore.
  3. Rio
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Rio is a reductive ranchero place-name with an attractive Tex-Mex lilt. No Doubt's Tom Dumont has a son named Rio Atticus.
  4. Huck
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Huckleberry, word name
    • Description:

      Though forever tied to Huck, short for Huckleberry, Finn, this is an undeniably cute short form that may have some life as part of the hipster taste for names like Duke and Bix.
  5. Lara
    • Origin:

      Russian, diminutive of Larissa or Larisa
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      This is an alternative to Laura or Lauren made romantic by Dr Zhivago, and badass by video-game heroine Lara Croft.
  6. Zen
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      A spiritual word name used by actor Zoe Saldana for her son as well as more recently Nick Cannon and Alyssa Scott for their late son. Zen has been trending in recent years along with other spiritual names such as Bodhi and Zion, and recently entered the US Top 1000 for the first time in 2022.
  7. Van
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Whether it's used as a short form or on its own, this jazzy midcentury name is poised for a comeback along with brothers Ray and Walt.
  8. Ruben
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "behold, a son"
    • Description:

      The streamlined Spanish Ruben is much more popular than the original Biblical Hebrew version in the US.
  9. Pax
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Pax, one of the variations of names meaning peace that are newly popular in these less-than-peaceful times, got a lot of publicity when chosen by Brad & Angelina for their Vietnamese-born son. Parents attracted to Pax may also want to consider Paz, the unisex Spanish version, or Paxton, a growing-in-popularity surname choice that shares that magical X-factor.
  10. Ben
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "son of"
    • Description:

      Ben, the diminutive of Benjamin or Benedict, can easily stand on its own as a simple, strong, nice-guy choice, though it's somewhat attenuated. Ben is this generation's Bob or Bill.
  11. Cara
    • Origin:

      Latin, Italian, Irish, Spanish, and Portuguese
    • Meaning:

      "dear; friend; face"
    • Description:

      Cara is a simple, sweet, Italian endearment that enjoyed its greatest popularity from the 1970s through the 1990s, reaching a high of Number 189 in 1977. Though the name has been on the decline in recent years, that could change soon due to the rising celebrity of English model/actress Cara Delevingne, who played Enchantress in Suicide Squad. Cara is a highly popular choice in Ireland.
  12. Hal
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Harold and Henry
    • Description:

      Could Hal be the Jack, Max, or Gus of the future? It just might happen in the new nickname environment. Hank Azaria put it on his son's birth certificate.
  13. Sam
    • Origin:

      English, diminutive of Samuel
    • Meaning:

      "told by God"
    • Description:

      Sam has long been used on its own for boys, as accepted standing by itself as it is as a short form of Samuel. Straightforward and down-to-earth, Sam is the name of the son of the co-stars of The Americans, Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys. Sam is one of the most popular names that start with S in the Western world, ranking higher in several European countries than it does in the US, where it's trended downward since the 19th century, though it's always been in the Top 1000.
  14. Gage
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "oath, pledge"
    • Description:

      Gage was part of the craze for one-syllable surnames, with associations to tasty green gage plums and the mathematical gauge.
  15. Cal
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Calvin
    • Description:

      A homey sitting-by-the fire-type nickname name.
  16. Shay
    • Origin:

      Irish, Hebrew
    • Meaning:

      "stately, gift"
    • Description:

      A variant spelling of either Irish Shea or Hebrew Shai, Shay feels at once vintage and modern.
  17. Tula
    • Origin:

      Choctaw, Hindi, or Kiswahili
    • Meaning:

      "mountain peak, a Libra, or to be tranquil"
    • Description:

      Tula is a polyethnic name which, spelled Toula, was used for the heroine of the hit film My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
  18. Cove
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "small bay"
    • Description:

      Cove is an up-and-coming nature name whose cool sound and peaceful image saw it rising for both sexes... until COVID-19 hit. It remained steady in use for boys in 2021, but actually increased for girls, although it remains a seriously rare and distinctive choice for either gender.
  19. Ori
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "my light"
    • Description:

      Friendly but substantial.
  20. Dash
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Dashiell, meaning unknown
    • Description:

      Dash is a nickname that can stand on its own and sounds, well, dashing. Connected these days with Kardashian enterprises.