
Word name

Feather Origin and Meaning

The name Feather is a girl's name .

Feather, though it was used for a character in a Walter Mosley novel, seems too light and fluttery for a real-life girl.

Famous People Named Feather

  • Victor Feather (Lord Feather)1908,76, British trade,union leader

Feather in Pop Culture

  • Feather(ine)character in visual novel Umineko no naku koro ni
  • Hetty Feathercharacter in children's books by Jacqueline Wilson
  • Featherheaded (or ,brained) means "silly, foolish"
  • "If she was not lightas,a,feather, it would be an unfortunate name, pretty and all as it is."
  • Feather McCarthycharacter in Scream Queens