
blod-AY-weth or blod-EYE-weth

Blodeuwedd Origin and Meaning

The name Blodeuwedd is a girl's name meaning "flower-appearance".

In the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi, a medieval Welsh tale, Blodeuedd (meaning "flowers") was a woman created out of flowers to be the wife of Lleu Llaw Gyffes. After falling in love with another man, and plotting to kill her husband, she was transformed into an owl, and her name changed to Blodeuwedd with a W, apparently referring to the flower-shaped face of the owl.

Blodeuwedd has been referenced many times in Welsh art, literature and drama, and is food for thought for feminist interpretations of the tale.

The name is little-used for actual babies even in Wales, and would need some explanation anywhere else in the world, but could perhaps be a good meaningful middle name.