

Astraea Origin and Meaning

The name Astraea is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning "star".

Astraea -- also found as Astraia -- is the Greek goddess of justice and innocence who became the constellation Virgo. A more unusual form of the many star-related names, from Astra to Esther to Estelle to Stella, all on the rise. Astraea was the daughter of Astraeus, the god of the dusk, and Eos, the goddess of the dawn.

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  • Astraea (Astrea), (from mythology) Goddess of Justice and Innocence; she became the constellation Virgo. (Particularly represented before the constellation Virgo & Libra seperated.)
  • The Goddess Astraea is often depicted to represent judicial systems and she appears holding a set of balance scales, while blindfolded. (This representation remains even into modern,times.)
  • British writer Aphra Behn used "Astrea" as one of her code,names while working as a spy for King Charles II. She subsequently used the name "Astrea" as a pen,name; and to also identify the speaker in her many poems.
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson titled one of his poems "Astraea".
  • Astraea is also referenced in John Milton's epic poem "Paradise Lost".
  • Astrée, heroine of the 16th / 17th,century pastoral,romance novel "L'Astree" (Astraea) by French author Honore D'Urfe.
  • Astraea received references in the works of some of the great Roman poets: such as Ovid & Virgil.