Unique Names For Girls

People are always giving boys the cool unique names, now I have put together a list (it's coming together) of unique names for girls. Most of these are also boy name, but I have met girls with these names. Some traditional names, such as Elisabeth, will show up, this is because they have such great nicknames!
  1. Ash
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "ash tree"
    • Description:

      The tree, not the charred bit of soot in the fireplace, usually used for boys, but, as a short form of Ashley, works for girls too.
  2. Elisabeth
    • Origin:

      Spelling variation of Elizabeth
    • Meaning:

      "pledged to God"
    • Description:

      This spelling of the classic name is found in France, Germany, Greece, and other cultures, and is worn by such notables as Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth Shue, Elisabeth Moss, and Elisabeth Hasselbeck. The name's pronunciation is usually just like the Z version, but some parents choose this because they want to discourage the Liz or Lizzie short forms and so pronounce it as if it has Lisa in the middle.
  3. Everest
    • Origin:

      Place-name, world's tallest mountain
    • Description:

      Everest has an attractive enough sound and lofty enough meaning to come into style, à la Sierra. George Lucas bestowed this aspirational name on his baby daughter.