Female Flower/Nature Names

  1. Wisteria
    • Origin:

      Flower name, from English surname
    • Meaning:

      "Wister's flower"
    • Description:

      A frilly southern-accented flower name yet to be planted on many birth certificates. In the language of flowers, the wisteria is a symbol of devotion. It is named for American horticulturalist John Caspar Wister.
  2. Zephirine
    • Zinnia
      • Origin:

        Flower name, from German surname
      • Meaning:

        "Zinn's flower"
      • Description:

        Zinnia is an unusual floral choice with a bit more edge and energy than most and beginning to find its way onto namers' wish lists of botanical possibilities. Named after an eighteenth German botanist called Johann Gottfried Zinn, it appears in Roald Dahl's Matilda as the young protagonist's mother.