Hipster, maybe?

  1. Tobias
    • Origin:

      Greek from Hebrew
    • Meaning:

      "God is good"
    • Description:

      Tobias is one of a number of s-ending boys' names that are riding a wave of popularity. With its Old Testament-Dickensian feel, it's a name with a distinguished pedigree.
  2. Truman
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "loyal one"
    • Description:

      Truman is an upstanding presidential name that radiates an aura of integrity and moral truth, values any parent would want for a child. It seems definitely headed for a revival.
  3. Viola
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Viola has several positive elements going for it: the rhythm of the musical instrument, the association with the flower, the trending 'Vi' beginning and its leading role in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.
  4. Walt
    • Origin:

      German, diminutive of Walter
    • Description:

      A straightforward, down-to-earth nickname many Walters, from Whitman to Disney, have chosen to go by.
  5. Wesley
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "western meadow"
    • Description:

      Reminiscent of the Old West, with rugged charm and a gentle, easy-going feel, Wesley has long been a staple on the US charts.
  6. Zeb
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Zebediah or Zebulon
    • Description:

      Short and to-the-point, it turns an ancient biblical name into a friendly cowboy.
  7. Ziggy
    • Origin:

      German, diminutive of Siegfried and Sigmund
    • Description:

      The ultimate nicknamey name, à la Ziggy Stardust or the comic-strip character Ziggy. Then again, there's Ziggy Marley, and most anything Marley is cool. Originally named David, his father Bob Marley gave him the nickname "Ziggy" due to the soccer move of the same name.
  8. Zola
    • Origin:

      African, Congolese; also literary name
    • Meaning:

      "piece of earth"
    • Description:

      When the Eddie Murphys named their fourth daughter Zola, it affirmed the up-and-coming status of the name, which has African roots, but also literary links to Emile Zola. Zola may also be recognizable to some as the adopted daughter of Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd on the hit, long-running show Grey's Anatomy.