Unusual Baby Names

  1. Maksim
    • Mannix
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "a little monk"
      • Description:

        An X-ending surname less common than the Jolie-Pitt-inspired Maddox. Grandparents might still associate it with the old TV crime show.
    • Manus
      • Origin:

        Irish variation of Magnus
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        This is an old Irish name associated with such heroes as the seventeenth century chieftain, scholar and poet Manus O'Donnell. In this country, though, parents would not find Manus as pleasing or impressive as Magnus.
    • Marit
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        An unusual and straightforward name with an attractive Scandinavian accent; a royal name in Norway.
    • Maxen
      • Origin:

        Welsh, from Latin Maximus
      • Description:

        Also spelled Macsen, this ancient name manages to sound modern and cool. An heroic namesake was Maxen Wledig, a fourth century Spanish-born general who led the Roman army out of Britain, and as Emperor was the most powerful occupant of the throne of the Caesars who had ever ruled Europe from the City of the Seven Hills.
    • Melisande
      • Origin:

        French form of Millicent, German
      • Meaning:

        "strong in work"
      • Description:

        This old-time fairy tale name is rarely heard in the modern English-speaking world, but it's so, well, mellifluous, that it would make a lovely choice for a twenty-first century girl--a romanticized tribute to an Aunt Melissa or Melanie.
    • Monroe
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "mouth of the Roe river"
      • Description:

        Monroe is a presidential name which, thanks to the immortal beauty of Marilyn Monroe, is catching on fast for baby girls. Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon chose it for their twin daughter, honoring Marilyn Monroe. Their use of Monroe as a girls’ name did much to revive this Old Man name, a la Sydney, as a newly fashionable choice for girls.
    • Murphy
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "sea warrior"
      • Description:

        This jaunty Celtic surname -- the most common family name in both Ireland and the US -- is totally viable as a first. The arguably most famous Murphy is TV's Murphy Brown, and indeed the name is twice as common for baby girls as for baby boys today. But still, it's solidly gender neutral and works equally well for all sexes.
    • Naor
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "cultured and enlightened"
      • Description:

        Certainly qualities desired for our sons.
    • Nephele
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        An enchanting ancient Greek name belonging to the Greek goddess who was created from a cloud by Zeus and so became goddess of the clouds and mother of the centaurs. The name Nephele is not widely known but as among modern parents become used to Phoebe, Penelope, and Persephone, it may become one of the ancient Greek goddess names that's back in the mix.
    • Nimrod
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "we shall rise up, we shall rebel"
      • Description:

        Our kids laughed when they saw this name. Enough said.
    • Niobe
      • Origin:

        Greek mythology name
      • Description:

        The mythological queen whose perpetual weeping for her slain children turned her into a stone has always cast a pall over this name. Still, when other names with less-than-savory associations -- Delilah, Ophelia, Persephone -- are becoming popular, parents might want to consider this one of the more unusual mythology names for girls.
    • Nordica
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "from the north"
      • Description:

        An icy name with an operatic namesake in late 19th - early 20th century singer Lillian Allen Norton, better known by her stage name Nordica.
    • Nuala
      • Origin:

        Irish, short form of Fionnuala
      • Meaning:

        "white shoulders"
      • Description:

        Officially a shortening of the traditional and tricky Gaelic Fionnghuala/Fionnuala, Nuala makes a lovely choice all on its own. Nuala is well-used in Ireland.
    • Numair
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Projects an air of power and speed.
    • Nyx
      • Origin:

        Greek mythology name
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        In Greek mythology, Nyx was a powerful goddess and the embodiment of the night, but when spoken, its negative meaning can't be ignored.
    • Oberon
      • Origin:

        Variation of Auberon
      • Meaning:

        "noble, bearlike"
      • Description:

        The Shakespearean character Oberon in A Midsummer Night's Dream is King of the Fairies, but the name, with its strong 'O' beginning, projects a far more virile image than that.
    • Odion
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "first born of twins"
      • Description:

        Strong name from the Esan language of Nigeria, with a satisfyingly specific meaning for a child's place in the family.
    • Olwen
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "white footprint"
      • Description:

        Olwen is a Welsh favorite, the name of a legendary princess in what is believed to have been the earliest Arthurian romance, and in fact one of the first recorded examples of Welsh prose.
    • Olwyn
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "white footprint"
      • Description:

        Olwyn is a popular Welsh name that might be an alternative to the more familiar Bronwen or Rhonwen -- though in Wales the female form is usually spelled -wen and the male one -wyn.