Baby boy #2

  1. Rhem
    • Rhun
      • Sadiq
        • Seb
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "God of the earth"
          • Description:

            This name, more recognized as a short form of Sebastian, is perfectly usable a cool full name, and, in fact, ranks on the UK popularity list. Seb is getting lot of attention as the nickname name of the Ryan Gosling character in the hit film La La Land.
        • Selene
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "moon goddess"
          • Description:

            Selene may be the mythological Greek original, but Latin variation Selena is used more often in the US these days. Selene is the Greek goddess of the moon, sister of Helios the sun god. Selene is also sometimes called Cynthia and Phoebe. The name may be related to the word selas, which means light, and is one of the loveliest of the Greek goddess names.
        • Soren
          • Origin:

            Danish, Norwegian
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            This gentle Scandinavian name, soft and sensitive, is being discovered in a major way by parents in the US. It's most closely identified with the nineteenth century philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, but there have been modern fictional Sorens as well, in The Matrix Reloaded and the book series Guardians of Ga'Hoole, Charlie and Lola, and Underworld.
        • Sayf
          • Soreb
            • Tabor
              • Origin:

                Hebrew; Hungarian
              • Meaning:

                "a height; encampment"
              • Description:

                In the Bible, Tabor is the name of the mountain that stood on the border between northern and southern Israel. This biblical place name is similar to the Hungarian name Tibor.
            • Taj
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                Taj is a cool-sounding name reflecting the magnificence of the seventeenth-century Indian Taj Mahal, chosen by Aerosmith's Steven Tyler for his son.
            • Talib
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "seeker of knowledge"
              • Description:

                Talib is a North African name with an admirable meaning, associated with rapper Talib Kweli.
            • Taran
              • Tarik
                • Origin:

                  Turkish, Bosnian variation of Tariq, Arabic
                • Meaning:

                  "the one who knocks at the door"
                • Description:

                  This bold and straightforward name is a common variant of Tariq in Turkey and Bosnia and is used as an alternate spelling in Arabic-speaking countries.
              • Tarquin
                • Origin:

                  Latin, Roman clan name
                • Description:

                  One of the few ancient Roman names that doesn't end in us, the rarely heard Tarquin has a decidedly creative, even dramatic flair, which could appeal to the parent looking for a strikingly original name. Sir Laurence Olivier used it for his oldest child, who was named Simon Tarquin but called by his middle name.
              • Thor
                • Origin:

                  Norse and Scandinavian
                • Meaning:

                • Description:

                  Thor, the powerful name of the Norse god of thunder, strength and rain, would make a bold statement. Long a comic book staple, Thor has now invaded the big screen, and could land on birth certificates as well.
              • Tekao
                • Tekoa
                  • Tev
                    • Thobiah
                      • Thrak