Unique Scifi Futuristic Names

  1. Quartz
    • Origin:

      Mineral name
    • Description:

      This may be a bit quirky to make it as a name, especially in first place. If you love it, you might try it in the middle.
  2. Ragnarok
    • Origin:

      Norse Mythology
    • Description:

      Ragnarök is a great future battle foretold in Norse mythology, which will lead to the ultimate destruction of many key deities and the rebirth of the Earth and mankind. The word is newly familiar to many thanks to the 2017 Marvel Comics film "Thor: Ragnarok".
  3. Rokuro
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "sixth son"
  4. Ryo
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "exceed; cool; refreshing; distant; reality"
  5. Scout
    • Origin:

      Word name
    • Description:

      Scout, a character nickname from To Kill a Mockingbird (her real name was Jean Louise), became a real-life possibility when Bruce Willis and Demi Moore used it for their now grown middle daughter, followed by Tom Berenger a few years later. A unisex choice that is growing in popularity for both genders -- but given to girls about four times more often than to boys -- it was picked by skater Tai Babilonia for her son and Kerri Walsh for her daughter Scout Margery.
  6. Sloane
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Sloane is a sleek, sophisticated surname name that has gradually morphed over to the girls' side. With its distinctive and intriguing sound, Sloane has been in the US Top 1000 since 2009, and in 2022, it made its first appearance in the UK charts, jumping more than 400 places in a single year.
  7. Sini
    • Tau
      • Origin:

        Indigenous Australian or Tswana, Sotho
      • Meaning:

        "dusk, twilight; lion"
      • Description:

        Tau, which rhymes with cow, is the alphabetical nickname Grimes and Elon Musk chose for their third child, Techno Mechanicus. Tau is the nineteenth letter of the Greek alphabet and a common variable in physics, biology, and mathematics. In ancient Greece, it was a symbol of life and resurrection.
    • Viridian
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "blue green color"
      • Description:

        Unusual and beautiful blue green color and name possibility, a la Cerulean.
    • Xia
      • Origin:

        Chinese dynastic name
      • Description:

        This name of the first recorded dynasty of ancient China is short and simple enough to make a possible Asian-American alternative to Mia and Tia. British-Filipino child star Xia Vigor has invigorated the name in the Philippines.
    • Yu
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "shining brightly"
      • Description:

        Yu the Great founded China's first dynasty, but in this country "Hey, you!" would make this name utterly confusing, in an Abbott and Costello way.