boy next door names

  1. Rollo
    • Origin:

      Latin form of Rolf
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Rollo is a livelier, roly-poly, o-ending version of Roland.
  2. Rowan
    • Origin:

      Scottish and Irish
    • Meaning:

      "rowan tree; little redhead"
    • Description:

      With its gentle sounds and earthy vibes, the name Rowan feels like a fusion of different styles. A word name, a surname, and a gender-neutral name, Rowan is rustic but trendy, blending the vibes of both Owen and Oakley.
  3. Sander
    • Origin:

      Dutch and Scandinavian, diminutive of Alexander
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      Sander is a more conventional form of Zander or Xander, heard frequently on its own in Europe. It is now a Top 20 name in Norway, and is also popular in Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands.
  4. Sidney
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "Saint Denis"
    • Description:

      A contraction name, Sidney comes from Saint Denis and is related to Dioynsius, the Greek god of fertility and wine, although another theory is that it derived from an Anglo-Saxon place name, meaning 'at the wide island.'
  5. Simon
    • Origin:

      Hebrew, Greek
    • Meaning:

      "he has heard; flat-nosed"
    • Description:

      Simon is pure and simple (not in the nursery rhyme sense), and an appealingly genuine Old and New Testament name that's not overused – making Simon a stylish choice. In the Bible, Simon was the second son of Jacob and Leah and the original name of Saint Peter, as well as the name of several New Testament figures. Historically, Simon Bolivar is known as The Liberator of Latin America.
  6. Tadhg
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The name of several ancient kings and princes of Ireland, Tadhg became so common at one point that it was used to represent a kind of Irish Gaelic everyman, or man in the street, as Paddy and Mick would later. Tadhg has seen a major resurgence in recent years and is also now ranked in England. It is sometimes used as the Irish equivalent of Timothy and is also anglicized as Teague and Thaddeus. Tadleigh and Thad are pet forms. Pronunciation is like tide ending with a g.
  7. Tag
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Meaning:

      "a label attached to something for identification"
    • Description:

      Tag is unique word name introduced by the Sweet Home sextuplets. One of the boys is named Tag Bricker.
  8. Talcott
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "cottage near the lake"
    • Description:

      A bit formal for our time, Alcott would be a bit less forbidding.
  9. Vick
    • Vincent
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Vincent is a name with a complex image. After being quietly used for centuries, it is suddenly seeming stylish, along wih other V names. Even the nickname Vince has been given a reprieve via actor Vince Vaughn and country singer Vince Gill. Vin Diesel was born with the more prosaic name Mark Vincent.
    • Wesley
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "western meadow"
      • Description:

        Reminiscent of the Old West, with rugged charm and a gentle, easy-going feel, Wesley has long been a staple on the US charts.
    • Wilbur
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "resolute, brilliant"
      • Description:

        Wilbur is a stylish name in the UK whose merits are just starting to be discovered in the US. Wilbur, the loveable pig who Charlotte of the Web called Some Pig, is an inspirational hero. And Wilbur and Orville Wright were early aviationists.
    • Wilf
      • Origin:

        Diminutive of Wilfred
      • Description:

        A fairly common nickname in England that has never caught on in America. The rise of acronyms like MILF and DILF probably won't help its prospects going forward.
    • Wylie
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "from Wylye"
      • Description:

        Wylie is a friendly, nonchalant rodeo name with an almost irresistible charm; parents may pick up on its pleasant similarity to the more popular, unisex Riley. Although more masculine, we see Wylie as working as well for boys and girls (Richard Anderson used it for his daughter in 1999). Wylie (or the interchangeable Wiley) can also be an original and authentic way to honor an ancestral William. We don't, however, recommend you spell the name the way Corey Parker did: Wylei. Why lay?
    • Zachariah
      • Origin:

        Hebrew, form of Zechariah
      • Meaning:

        "the Lord has remembered"
      • Description:

        This distinguished name still feels a bit ancient, but with the rise of such former graybeards as Jeremiah and Elijah, it also sounds child-friendly again, as does the Latin-Greek form Zacharias.
    • Zooey
      • Origin:

        Literary name
      • Description:

        The original Zooey, hero of J.D. Salinger's Franny & Zooey, was male, but nowadays the name is more closely associated with actress/singer Zooey Deschanel. With Zoe at number 31 for girls and Zoey in the Top 50, the related Zooey feels more female than ever. But it's distinctively quirky for either sex.