Everything old new again

  1. Plum
    • Origin:

      Fruit name
    • Description:

      British-born novelist Plum Sykes has taken this rich, fruity name out of the produce section and put it into the baby name basket. It's more appealing than Apple, more presentable than Peaches. The French equivalent, Prune, is very fashionable there but would not fly with English speakers.
  2. Posy
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "a bunch of flowers"
    • Description:

      A sweet, nostalgic nosegay kind of name, Posy has been long fashionable in England, a country of gardeners, but this pretty bouquet-of-flowers name is still rarely heard in the US, though it could be seen as a more unusual possible alternative to Rosy or Josie.
  3. Prudence
    • Origin:

      Virtue name
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Prudence, like Hope and Faith, is a Puritan virtue name with a quiet charm and sensitivity that is slowly returning to favor, though it hasn't yet registered on the charts.
  4. Sosie
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Susan
    • Description:

      Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon chose this unusual diminutive for their daughter.
  5. Willa
    • Origin:

      Feminine variation of William
    • Meaning:

      "resolute protection"
    • Description:

      Willa has become increasingly fashionable, with its combination of Willa (born Wilella) Cather-like pioneer strength and the graceful beauty of the willow tree.