Assorted Names

  1. Wit
    • Wolf
      • Origin:

        Animal name or diminutive of Wolfgang, German
      • Meaning:

        " traveling wolf"
      • Description:

        Wolf is a name with a split personality. It can be seen as one of the fierce animal names, like Fox and Bear and Puma, with a touch of the werewolf, or it can be viewed as a quieter, Wolf Blitzer kind of name, fairly common in German (where is pronounced Vulf) and Jewish families, sometimes as a short form of Wolfgang, or even Wolfram or Wolfhart.
    • Wren
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "small bird"
      • Description:

        Wren may not be as time-honored a bird name choice as Robin or even Lark, but it's more fashionable and fresh, with a gentle and earthy vibe.
    • Wystan
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "battle stone"
      • Description:

        Dignified first name of poet W. H. Auden, less exposed than his currently stylish surname.
    • Yvaine
      • Origin:

        Female variation of Yvain or Scottish
      • Meaning:

        "evening star"
      • Description:

        A mix of Yvonne and Elaine, Yvaine was first noticed in the Neil Gaiman fantasy novel and then movie Stardust, in which Claire Danes played the 'fallen star' Yvaine. This In all its forms, one of the most classic Scottish names for girls is now attracting namer attention--just as that other Gaiman-inspired name, Coraline, did. Yvaine has a definite romantic, medieval charm. A small segment of namers are definitely taking notice.
    • Zahn
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Newswoman Paula brought the surname Zahn to the public eye. It makes a dramatic, unusual Zane alternative -- though you may not want to enlighten your child as to its prosaic meaning.
    • Zenith
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "the point in the sky or celestial sphere directly above an observer"
      • Description:

        Zenith is an uplifting if quirky word name, meaning the top or the peak. Eight boys received the name in one recent year, only a third of those who were called Nadir -- the low point!
    • Ziggy
      • Origin:

        German, diminutive of Siegfried and Sigmund
      • Description:

        The ultimate nicknamey name, à la Ziggy Stardust or the comic-strip character Ziggy. Then again, there's Ziggy Marley, and most anything Marley is cool. Originally named David, his father Bob Marley gave him the nickname "Ziggy" due to the soccer move of the same name.
    • Étienne
      • Origin:

        French variation of Stephen, Greek
      • Meaning:

        "garland, crown"
      • Description:

        Appealingly gentle and romantic French classic--with a lot more charm than Steve.