Unusual names for boys!

  1. Keith
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Strong but gentle, Keith is one of the Scottish surnames that, along with Douglas, Craig and Bruce, were considered the epitome of cool in the 1960s and early 1970s, when it was a Top 40 choice.
  2. Kenneth
    • Origin:

      Scottish and Irish
    • Meaning:

      "born of fire, handsome"
    • Description:

      Kenneth may have lost much of its luster now, but Kenneth has had its moments of glory. The first king of Scotland was Kenneth, and Sir Kenneth, a Christian crusader, was the hero of the Sir Walter Scott novel The Talisman.
  3. Kent
    • Origin:

      English surname and place-name
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Kent is a no-nonsense, brief, brisk one-syllable name, almost as curt as Kurt.
  4. King
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      King is a name that sends a mixed message. While some might think of it as more fitting for a canine, others see it as a strong name with offbeat style and a full court of rich associations, from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to Elvis.

      King Vidor was an important early Hollywood director; King Camp Gillette invented the safety razor.

      If it's king names you're after that aren't King itself, see our list of Names with Royal Meanings or other lists and blogs on royal names.
  5. Knute
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      A strong, powerful choice, ancestor of the modern Superboy Names. Knut is the name of the patron saint of Denmark; Knute Rockne was a legendary Notre Dame football coach. Knute is the middle name of Jessica Simpson's son Ace, in honor of his paternal great-grandfather.
  6. Kione
    • Lawrence
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "from Laurentium or bay laurel"
      • Description:

        Lawrence has survived from Roman times, when Laurentium was a city noted for its laurel trees (the laurel is a symbol of wisdom and achievement). It was in the Top 50 from the 1890s through the 1950s and the Top 100 for decades longer, always among the most popular boys' names starting with L, but Lawrence is now used less for babies than Landon or Lorenzo.
    • Leonardo
      • Origin:

        Italian and Spanish variation of Leonard, German
      • Meaning:

        "brave lion"
      • Description:

        For centuries this name was associated primarily with the towering figure of Italian Renaissance painter-scientist-inventor Leonardo da Vinci, and was scarcely used outside the Latin culture.
    • Liander
      • Maxwell
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "great stream"
        • Description:

          A happy medium between the weighty Maximilian and the laid-back Max, Maxwell is one of the most classic and attractive Scottish names. Early influences on the name's revival include Maxwell Smart of the television show, and then movie, Get Smart, and the Beatles song about Maxwell's Silver Hammer.
      • Morgan
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "sea-born, sea-song or sea-circle"
        • Description:

          Morgan, once split evenly between the sexes, is a strong and attractive Welsh favorite, still a common boys’ name in Wales. Morgan is now more often a girls' name in the U.S. – about 2000 girls were given the name in one recent year, vs. 362 boys – though it's one of the most traditional unisex choices. Morgan was actually a Top 200 pick for boys in Victorian Britain!
      • Newell
        • Origin:

          English variation of Neville
        • Description:

          One of several surnames beginning with New that nevertheless sound anything but.
      • Nigel
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "dark, black-haired"
        • Description:

          A name that Yanks might see as overly British, but combined with the right surname, it does have a measure of Sherlock Holmesian dash via Nigel Bruce, who played the original Dr. Watson to Basil Rathbone's Sherlock Holmes.
      • Raj
        • Raphael
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "God has healed"
          • Description:

            Raphael is a romantic archangel name that sounds both artistic and powerful. Raphael is also a great cross-cultural choice, with significance for people with both Latinate and Jewish roots, plus plenty of grounding in the English-speaking world.
        • Ross
          • Origin:

            English and Scottish
          • Meaning:

            "upland, peninsula"
          • Description:

            Like Friends, Ross is off the air and into syndication as a baby name, having plummeted from its zenith in the late 80s to fall off the US Top 1000 in 2013. Today, Ross is more likely to be a dad name than a newborn name.
        • Wesley
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "western meadow"
          • Description:

            Reminiscent of the Old West, with rugged charm and a gentle, easy-going feel, Wesley has long been a staple on the US charts.