1. Lexa
    • Lincoln
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "town by the pool"
      • Description:

        Lincoln cracked the Top 50 for boys' names for the first time in 2016, more than 150 years after the death of its most famous bearer. This is especially remarkable because, as crazy as it seems now, Lincoln was deeply out of fashion as recently as the late 90s, consistently hovering near the bottom of the Top 1000.
    • Lorelei
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "alluring, temptress"
      • Description:

        The lovely Lorelei, a name from old German legend, was a beautiful Rhine River seductress whose haunting voice led sailors to hazardous rocks that would cause them to be shipwrecked. And this siren image clung to the name for ages.
    • Marcus
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Though ancient, Marcus now sounds more current than Mark, in tune with today's trend towards us-ending Latinate names.
    • Maya
      • Origin:

        Greek; Central American Indian empire name; Latinate variation of May; Spanish, diminutive of Amalia; variation of Maia; Hebrew
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Maya, which has an almost mystical image, has been steadily climbing in popularity in the US and the English-speaking world, along with a range of other countries, including France, Germany, Israel, and Brazil. It's ranked in the US Top 100 since the turn of this century, but has never risen to the top of the list, which you may consider a good thing.
    • Myles
      • Origin:

        English spelling variation of Miles
      • Description:

        This alternate spelling of Miles has its fans, among them Myles-parents Eddie Murphy and Lars Ulrich. Pro basketball player Myles Turner uses this spelling. The Myles spelling is also associated with Pilgrim Myles Standish and so can make one of the classic Thanksgiving baby names.
    • NIYLAH
      • Octavia
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Octavia began as the Latin, then Victorian name for an eighth child. While there aren't many eighth children anymore, this ancient Roman name has real possibilities as a substitute for the overused Olivia; recommended for its combination of classical and musical overtones. It was chosen for his daughter by Kevin Sorbo.
      • Raven
        • Origin:

          Word and animal name
        • Description:

          Bird name Raven, once a symbol of pride for both African-American and Wiccan parents, is finding new life as a superhero name. Raven Darkholme is the real name of Mystique, heroine of the X-Men films played by Jennifer Lawrence. And there is another Raven superheroine in Teen Titans. Some parents may still choose Raven to signal black pride or mystical powers or maybe even Edgar Allan Poe fandom, but we are guessing most inspiration is coming from the comics.
      • REKHA
        • Rivo
          • Origin:

          • Description:

            A variant of Estonian Riivo, of uncertain meaning, that fits right in with cool water names like River and Rio.
        • Roma
          • Origin:

            Italian place-name
          • Description:

            Never as popular as Florence; today's parents might prefer Venezia, Verona, or Romy. It is also a Hindu name meaning "one with shiny hair" and is another name for the goddess Lakshmi.

        • Ryder
          • Origin:

            British surname
          • Meaning:

            "cavalryman, messenger"
          • Description:

            Ryder, one of the current favorite er-ending boys’ names, has been in the spotlight since Kate Hudson and her rocker husband Chris Robinson chose it for their son in 2004. Very popular in several provinces of Canada, Ryder was chosen by John Leguzamo for his son and adorns Boy Meets World star Ryder Strong.
        • Thelonious
          • Origin:

            Latinized variation of German Tillman, “one who plows the earth”
          • Description:

            One of the coolest of names, thanks to legendary jazz pianist Thelonious Sphere Monk, who inherited this Latin-sounding German name from his father. It has been used very sparingly since the 1960's, with just a sprinkling of baby boys receiving the name each year, though it's one of the unique baby names we predict will get much less unique as more parents embrace its quirky charms.
        • Tristan
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "noise or sorrowful"
          • Description:

            Tristan -- known through medieval legend and Wagnerian opera -- has a slightly wistful, touching air. This, combined with the name's popular "an" ending, makes Tristan very appealing to parents seeking a more original alternative to Christian.
        • Wells
          • Origin:

            Surname from place name
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Wells is a newly-famous baby name thanks to pregnancy guru Rosie Pope, who uses it as the short form of the buttoned-up Wellington, name of her youngest child.