Guilty Pleasures

  1. Ziggy
    • Origin:

      German, diminutive of Siegfried and Sigmund
    • Description:

      The ultimate nicknamey name, à la Ziggy Stardust or the comic-strip character Ziggy. Then again, there's Ziggy Marley, and most anything Marley is cool. Originally named David, his father Bob Marley gave him the nickname "Ziggy" due to the soccer move of the same name.
  2. Zion
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "highest point"
    • Description:

      Zion has taken off in recent years, especially after singer Lauryn Hill used it for her son in 1997 and incorporated the name into a hit song. It combines a user-friendly Ryan-Brian sound with the gravitas of religious significance. The Hebrew pronunciation is 'tzeeyon'.