
English word name
"golden brown"

Tawny Origin and Meaning

The name Tawny is a girl's name of English origin meaning "golden brown".

Y-ending color adjectives like Tawny and Rusty are nowhere near as stylish as the more sophisticated Lilacs and Violets.

# in the US

Tawny Rank in US Top 1000

Tawny Popularity

Famous People Named Tawny

  • Tawny CypressAmerican actress
  • Tawny Elaine LittleAmerican TV news anchor; Miss America 1976
  • Julie "Tawny" KitaenAmerican actress

Tawny in Pop Culture

  • Tawny Deancharacter on TV's "Even Stevens"
  • Tawny Madisoncharacter in film "Galaxy Quest"
  • Tawny Talbotcharacter on TV's "Rectify"