Girl Names

  1. Adelaide
    • Origin:

      Variant of Adelheidis, German
    • Meaning:

      "noble, nobility"
    • Description:

      Adelaide is now heading straight uphill on the coattails of such newly popular sisters as Ava, Ada, and Audrey, and in the company of Adeline and Amelia. It was chosen by actress Katherine Heigl for the name of her second daughter.
  2. Adelyn
    • Origin:

      Variation of Adeline
    • Meaning:

      "noble, nobility"
    • Description:

      Adeline in all its forms, including Adelyn, is rocketing up the list, but we do prefer the original to the variations. Or you might consider varying it yet further to Adelia, Adele, or Adelaide. Or lengthen it to Madeline/Madelyn.
  3. Adriana
    • Origin:

      Latin, feminine variation of Adrian
    • Meaning:

      "man of Adria"
    • Description:

      This a-ending feminine form of Adrian, from the northern Italian city of Adria, is a soft and lovely Italian choice. It appears as a character in Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors.
  4. Agatha
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "good woman"
    • Description:

      Agatha until recently summoned up visions of martyred saints, mauve silk dresses, and high lace collars, but now that some dauntless excavators have begun to resurrect it, we're sure more will follow their lead. Actor Thomas Gibson used it for his daughter in 2004.
  5. Alana
    • Origin:

      Feminization of Alan, Irish; variation of Ilana, Hebrew; Gaelic; Hawaiian
    • Meaning:

      "handsome, rock; oak tree; child; awakening"
    • Description:

      Alana, in all its various spellings, was at one time reserved for daughters of dads named Alan, but is now much more widespread. It came into prominence via model/actress/celeb spouse Alana Hamilton Stewart.
  6. Aliza
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Aliza might seem like yet another variation of the eternal Alyssa/Alicia/Eliza loop, but it's a distinct name all its own. The z adds zip.
  7. Amabel
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Amabel is an older name than Annabel and a lot more distinctive. Amabel was a very common name in the twelfth and thirteen centuries, then was revived during the nineteenth century British fad for medieval names.
  8. Amaris
    • Origin:

      Variation of Amara or Amariah
    • Description:

      Amaris sounds like "amorous," which is a loving name for a child, but doesn't really have a clear derivation or meaning of its own. The popular Amara is one of the most international names on the charts, with derivations and meanings in cultures that truly span the globe. And Amariah is an ancient Hebrew name. Still, Amaris is unusual and pretty, and that may be enough.
  9. Amberly
    • Origin:

      Modern variation of Amber
    • Description:

      A rarely used play on Amber, making it more feminine and both more modern and old-fashioned at the same time.
  10. Amelia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Amelia is one of the hottest girls' names, a successor to the megapopular Emma and Emily. Amelia, which spent several years at Number 1 in England, is now comfortably ensconced in the US Top 10.
  11. Amethyst
    • Origin:

      Gem and Color name
    • Description:

      As flower names become more unique, so can gem names move beyond Ruby and Pearl to names like Topaz, Sapphire, and Peridot. Amethyst, the purple birthstone for February, has never been in the Top 1000, but could have some appeal, joining similarly-hued Violet and Lilac, all of which make great names for Aquarius babies or names for February babies.
  12. Anastasia
    • Origin:

      Greek, feminine variation of Anastasios
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Anastasia is the feminine form on Anastasius, a Greek name derived from the word anastasis, meaning "resurrection." It was a common name among early Christians, who often gave it to daughters born around Christmas or Easter. There are handful of saints named Anastasia, including the patron saint of weavers.
  13. Angel
    • Origin:

      Spanish and English
    • Meaning:

      "angel, messenger"
    • Description:

      Angel is one of those names that has a very different trajectory for girls and boys. As a female name, it was most popular in the US from the 1970s until the turn of this century, almost breaking into the Top 100 at its peak in 2001 but then beginning a long slide down the list.
  14. Arabella
    • Origin:

      Latin, Scottish
    • Meaning:

      "yielding to prayer; lovable"
    • Description:

      Arabella, lovely and elegant, has long been well used in Britain and finally made it onto the American list in 2005. A Top 50 choice in the UK, in the US in remains in the Top 300, given to around 1300 babies each year.
  15. Arianwyn
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "woman of silver"
    • Description:

      Spelling variant of Arianwen. Note that in Welsh, the -wyn suffix is usually masculine.
  16. Ariel
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "lion of God"
    • Description:

      Ariel is a male Biblical name, seen there as the messenger of Ezra, and also used as a symbolic name for the city of Jerusalem, while Shakespeare used it for a (male) sprite in The Tempest.
  17. Ariella
    • Origin:

      Spelling variation of Ariel
    • Meaning:

      "lion of God"
    • Description:

      This variation of Ariel, with the extra-feminine suffix, has been on the rise in recent years and has now surpassed the original. The similarity to the name of the Little Mermaid gives Ariella a princessy flair. Ariella entered the charts in 2008, and has now risen into the Top 200. The cute nickname Ari is on trend as seen with the popularity of Ariana and Arianna, as are any girl names ending in "-ella", making Ariella a natural hit. Arabella is another name with the best of both of these trends.
  18. Ariza
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "cedar panels"
    • Description:

      Its meaning refers to the rich wood that lined the walls of King Solomon's temple. Well used in modern Israel, it's pronouced ah-REE-zuh.
  19. Arizona
    • Origin:

      Place-name from Papago Indian
    • Meaning:

      "little springs"
    • Description:

      We usually think of place-names as a modern invention, but in fact Arizona ranked on the US Top 1000 from its inception in 1880 until 1911, when it vanished below the surface. It peaked at Number 510 in 1882, before Arizona became a state. One notorious vintage bearer: criminal "Ma" Barker, born Arizona Clark.
  20. Ashlyn
    • Origin:

      Variation of Aislinn, Irish
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Though it relates to the Irish original, Ashlyn and its next most popular form, Ashlynn, owe more of their popularity as baby names in the US to the megastar Ashley, though all three have been dropping on the charts lately.