August 16

looking for inspirations for baby #2
  1. Ishaq
    • Origin:

      Arabic and Urdu from Hebrew Yitzchak or Isaac
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The Arabic and Urdu form of the cheerful Isaac, itself derived from the Hebrew Ytizchak, Ishaq is familiar in the UK and in France and was a fast rising choice in 2023. In Islamic tradition, Ishaq is the name of a prophet and the son of Ibrahim and Sarah.
  2. Lamin
    • Soraya
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "Pleiades constellation"
      • Description:

        Soraya is a Persian name made famous in the Western world by the one-time empress of Iran, who settled in Europe, primarily in France. Soraya is derived from Thurayya, the Arabic name of the Pleiades, a group of stars in the constellation Taurus.
    • Zuleyka