Popular Names in Massachusetts

Popular names in Massachusetts for 2022 are led by Olivia and Noah. The Number 1 girls' name Olivia also heads the most popular baby names 2022 list. Noah ranks Number 2 across the entire United States, while national Number 1 Liam is in second place in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts baby names also highlight more unique choices. Nora ranks among the Top 10 Massachusetts girl names but is lower on the national charts. Jack is a top boys name in Massachusetts but ranks outside of the national Top 10.

Popular Massachusetts baby names also include many sophisticated and formal names for girls, such as Cecilia, Eloise, Maria, Laura, and Julia. Traditional names rank particularly high for boys as well, including Thomas, Robert, Arthur, Patrick, and Nathaniel.

Nameberry's calculation of the Boston baby names includes many uncommon boy names that rank outside of the Massachusetts and national Top 100s. Aurelia, Ophelia, Milo, and Oscar all attract extra attention in Boston.

Charlotte, Theodore, and Oliver are in the Top 10 lists for Boston, the state of Massachusetts, and the US as a nation.

To browse popular names lists from the US and around the world, visit our main Popular Names page. You might also want to browse Nameberry's real-time lists of Popular Girl Names 2022 and Popular Boy Names 2022.

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