Popular Names in North Dakota

Popular names in North Dakota in 2022 are Olivia and Oliver. Olivia also ranks first nationally, and Oliver is among the most popular baby names 2022 as well. The national top boys name, Liam, comes in 11th place in North Dakota.

North Dakota's Top 10 names list includes several unique names. Nora, Ellie, Harper, Eleanor, and Aurora are top girl names in North Dakota that rank lower on the national charts. Asher, Hudson, Maverick, Cooper, and Leo are top boy names in North Dakota.

Cowboy baby names are especially popular names in North Dakota. These include Brooks, Easton, Jett, Tate, and Knox for boys. Girl names include sweet vintage nicknames such as Hallie, Elsie, Stevie, Gracie, and Lainey, as well as modern choices such as Lennon, Saylor, Teagan, Sloane, and Wren.

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