Popular Names in Maryland

Popular names in Maryland for 2022 are led by Ava and Liam. Liam is the Number 1 name for boys in the US, while Ava is also among the most popular baby names 2022, ranking Number 7 nationally.

Madison ranks among Maryland's Top 10 baby names but not in the US as a whole, while Jacob, Ethan and Caleb make the Maryland but not the US Top 10 for boys. Madison is the most common of the Presidential baby names and makes sense as a top name in the state that borders our nation's capital.

Names connected to political figures and their families are especially common for girls in Maryland. Others include Reagan, Malia, and Ruth for girls, and Franklin, Jefferson, and Carter for boys. The top Presidential names nationally like Jackson, Kennedy, and Lincoln, actually rank lower than average in Maryland.

Millennial and Gen Z favorites such Allison, Brianna, Hailey, and Gabriella are significantly more popular in the Old Line State than they are nationally, along with boy names Connor and Dylan.

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