Popular Names in Hawaii

Popular names in Hawaii for 2022 are led by Olivia and Noah. Olivia is also first in the national rankings, while Noah sits at Number 2 in the national popular baby names 2022. National Top boys name Liam ranks at Number 2 in Hawaii.

Many of Hawaii's Top 10 baby names are unique, ranking outside of the national Top 10. For girls, these are Aria, Kaia and Mila, and for boys, Kai, Asher, Ethan, Maverick, Ezekiel, Ezra, and Aiden.

Popular baby names in Hawaii include Hawaiian baby names with origins in the native language. Hawaii's Top 150 baby names include Kailani, Halia, Kailea, Mahina, Lilinoe, Malia, Kalea, Kehlani, and Anela for girls, and Koa, Keanu, Kaimana, Kainoa, Nakoa, Kanoa, and Makoa for boys. Japanese names such as Kaito and Kenzo for boys, and Emiko for girls, also rank high in Hawaii, which has a large Japanese population.

Nature names for boys rank high in Hawaii, with its stunning natural landscape being an inspiration. These include Reef, Ocean, Orion, and River. Spiritual names like Haven, Sage, Serenity, Bodhi, and Zion also rank high.

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