Chicago Baby Names

Top Chicago Baby Names on Nameberry

The top Chicago baby names feature Maeve as the Number 1 girls’ name, with Soren in first place for boys. Chicago has only one unique Top 10 names: Graham.

Chicago's top boy name, Soren, also ranks first among several other cities including Los Angeles, Seattle, Denver, San Francisco, and Minneapolis. Soren is Number 530 on the official US baby name popularity list. Maeve is also the top name in 9 other cities this year, and is at Number 104 on the national charts.

Chicago shares the most top names with New York City, with eight names ranking on both cities' charts. Along with Maeve and Soren, the shared Chicago and New York City baby names are Isla, Aurelia, Eloise, Luxury, Alice, Violet, Cora, Theodore, Silas, Felix, Oliver, Arlo, August, and Atticus.

The only names to appear on both the top Chicago and Illinois baby names lists are Theodore and Oliver.

Top Chicago Names 2023

Top Chicago Girl Names

Top Chicago Boy Names

Baby Names Inspired by Chicago

chicago baby names

Chicago offers a lot of places, people, and themes to inspire baby names themed to the city. Here are some prime examples.

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