
Diminutive of color name Pink

Pinkie Origin and Meaning

The name Pinkie is a girl's name meaning "pink".

Aside from the singer, there aren't many people around named Pink or Pinkie or Pinky -- zero, in fact.

In its heyday in the late 19th century, Pinkie was probably used for someone with pink skin, not a nickname you'd use today.

This is one name that should stay extinct.

# 962 in the US

Pinkie Rank in US Top 1000

Famous People Named Pinkie

  • Pinkie Gordon LaneAmerican poet
  • Lavender Rosamund Marguerite "Pinkie" BarnesEnglish table tennis player
  • Pinkie Carolyn WilkersonAmerican politician from Louisiana

Pinkie in Pop Culture

  • Pinkamena Diane "Pinkie" Piecharacter from TV's "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic"
  • Pinkie Leroycharacter in the 1950 musical "Ace of Clubs"
  • Pinkie Cooper and the Jet Set Petsdoll line
  • "Pinkie" 1794 portrait by Thomas Lawrence of 11,year,old Sarah Barrett Moulton wearing a pink dress
  • Pinkie Brownmale main character in Graham Greene's 1938 novel "Brighton Rock"